New York State qualifies as an “At-Will” employment state. This means that your employer can fire you with or without cause for any reason at all. For example, your employer may be a bully who teases people around the office and gossips about you. However, even if you were bullied and your employer terminates you, then it is more likely than not that you are still out of luck (unless of course the bullying was discriminatory in nature or fell under another exception). It begs the question of what qualifies under the law as “wrongful” otherwise known as “unlawful” termination?
You should ask yourself some of the following questions:
Did a supervisor or authority figure with management authority make remarks about my race, or physical/mental disability? After making these remarks were you terminated from your job or set up to fail at your job so that you were forced to leave?
Did you refuse to let yourself be sexually harassed or assaulted by a supervisor or authority figure and then you were fired after because of that refusal?
Did you work for a company where you reported fraud against the government and were terminated for doing so? Similarly, did you work for a financial institution and report fraud or insider trading?
Did you ask your employer about commissions that were owed to you or unpaid overtime and were subsequently fired?
Did you announce your pregnancy your employer and you were fired shortly thereafter? All of the above scenarios and many more, may qualify you to recover for unlawful termination. Contact us today to see whether your situation qualifies for a case. Be mindful of the fact that you should act immediately to protect your rights. In New York the statute of limitations for filing claims such as those listed above, can be as short as 180 days or up to 3 years.
Call us at (212) 374-9786 or email us at to schedule a Free Consultation. We look forward to speaking with you!